Branded Communications

  • The entry should highlight a specific campaign for a product or service

    Example: ACME Light-A-Home Mother’s Day Treat

Advocacy Communications

  • The entry should highlight a specific campaign for an organization/company/corporation. This includes Corporate Social Responsibility Campaigns, Products and Services.

    Example: ACME Road Lighting Neighborhood Watch


Entries whether Branded Communication or Advocacy must reflect the Araw Cornerstone Values and as such may be entered in the following categories:

  1. Love of God and Respect for Religious Beliefs

  2. Commitment to Truth, Honesty and Integrity

  3. Love of Country and Respect for National Customs and Traditions

  4. Reverence for Family Unit or Marriage or Responsible Parenthood

  5. Respect and Care for Life and Dignity and the Rights of All

  6. Respect for Law and Authority and Promotion of Self-discipline

  7. Concern for and Preservation of the Environment

Expanded Definition of the Cornerstone Values

  1. Love of God and respect for all religious beliefs

    Communications under this category acknowledge spiritual need as a basic human need, and therefore uphold people’s belief of faith in a God, a Higher Being, or a Spiritual/Supernatural Realm. Such communications further recognize and enjoin respect for the many forms of faith/religious/spiritual expression from local devotions, traditional rituals and worship, to organized religion and institutional practices. Communications can also highlight the invaluable contribution of religious and spiritual practice to social cohesion and harmonious and compassionate living.

  2. Commitment to truth, honesty and justice

    Communications under this category value the use and transmission of accurate, factual and verifiable information, and reasoned analysis, particularly by those in media (traditional/mainstream and social media), engaged as they are in news reporting, forming and shaping opinions, and educating the public on world affairs and current developments. Guided by this, communications help ensure adherence to fairness and ethical conduct and principles.

  3. Love of country and respect for national customs and traditions

    Communications under this category promote pride of place in/for the Philippines and foster a sense of national (Filipino) identity. Communications that likewise promote knowledge and appreciation of Philippine history and geography; the overlays of cultural, religious, political and economic influences that have shaped the country over time (Hispanized, Christianized, Sinicized, Americanized, and currently maybe being Asianized); and celebrate the country’s living traditions and unique heritages, and artistic and creative expressions, products and industries.

  4. Reverence for family unit, or marriage, or responsible parenthood

    Communications under this category acknowledge families as the building blocks of societies, and emphasize the importance of a) family bonds and relationships, which in the Philippines include a slew of extended kin and relatives from different generations and arising from various affinal (marriage) and consanguineal (blood ties); b) responsible parenting on the part of adults; and c) filial respect and affection on the part of children and the youth.

  5. Respect and care for human life and dignity and the rights of all

    Communications under this category raise consciousness of the dignity of the individual amidst existing social distinctions arising from the multi-ethnic/linguistic character of Philippine society and its demographic differentiation into age, sex and gender-orientation groups, socio-economic classes, physical and mental-ability categories, etc. Communications that likewise support non-discriminatory policies and programs and efforts designed to safeguard basic individual rights to life, liberty and happiness, and accord to one and all related political, economic, socio-cultural rights and freedoms.

  6. Respect for law and authority and promotion of self-discipline

    Communications under this category help develop notions of civics and the common good and draw attention to how individuals contribute to the functioning of societies. Communications that further extol the values of social responsibility and good citizenship – i.e., respect for authority and the rule of law, paying taxes, abiding by the traffic rules, not littering and keeping one’s surroundings orderly and clean, volunteering in local community charities and development projects, etc.

  7. Concern for and preservation of the environment

    Communications under this category advance knowledge and understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things and the physical world or Planet Earth, and the imperatives of maintaining the fragile balance of this ecosystem. Communications in this category may thus touch on such themes and topics as the necessity of conserving nature and the biodiversity obtaining in plant, animal, and marine life, and the environmental threats posed by increasing industrialization and economic growth, and by consumerist behavior and lifestyles. Communications here can also inform on and enjoin support for policies and programs meant to arrest further environmental degradation as reforestation, the cleaning of oceans and water bodies, waste reduction and the recycling of products, the shift to cleaner fuels and green energy, regulating extractive industries and technologies, and curbing wasteful consumption among households, communities, offices and the public.


Branded and Advocacy entries may be submitted in the following forms/media:

1. Single entry

  • TV/Cinema (.mp4 format)

  • Radio (.mp3 format)

  • Print (.pdf format)

  • Out-Of-Home

    • Static (screen shots in .pdf format)

    • Video (mp4 format)

  • Point-Of-Sale/Collaterals

    • Static (screen shots in .pdf format)

    • Video (mp4 format)

  • Direct Marketing Communications/Activation (.pdf format)

  • Digital/Mobile/Interactive

    • Static (screen shots in .pdf format)

    • Video (mp4 format)

2. Multimedia campaign

Must comprise of at least 3 materials from:

a. At least one traditional medium

  • TV/Cinema (.mp4 format)

  • Radio (.mp3 format)

  • Print (.pdf format)

b. And any of the following

  • Out-Of-Home

    • Static (screen shots in .pdf format)

    • Video (mp4 format)

  • Point-Of-Sale (POS)/Collaterals

    • Static (screen shots in .pdf format)

    • Video (mp4 format)

  • Direct Marketing Communications/Activation (.pdf format)

  • Digital/Mobile/Interactive

    • Static (screen shots in .pdf format)

    • Video (mp4 format)


  • An entry should reflect a specific Araw Cornerstone Value and be entered in the right category.

  • Competition is open to any company or individual belonging to an Ad Foundation represented organization, Ad Standards Council-represented organization, other members of the Ad Foundation and to legitimate senior high school (Grades 11 and 12) and college students of universities and educational institutions in the country.

  • Materials entered by industry members and professionals must have been aired/ published/ exhibited/ implemented on legitimate media * within the period of 16 November 2019 – 30 July 2024.

    *Legitimate media is defined as:

    • TV/Cinema – Free-to-air or Cable TV; Qualified cinema entries are those shown in theaters before paying a audience.

    • Print – Regularly published and distributed, national or regional print materials. Not included are one-off publications like souvenir programs and playbills.

    • Radio – National, Regional or Local Radio.

  • All entries including Advocacy Communications entries must also submit these supporting documents together with the entry materials:

    • For TV and Radio, at least with 30 GRP’s, as shown in the CP’s

    • For Print (Single entry), tear sheets of publications, at least with 3x frequency

    • Direct, POS/Collaterals and OOH entries must have been publicly displayed, distributed or delivered to target audiences within the same period.

    • Digital entries, when appropriate, must provide a live and accessible web address unless site has been discontinued in which case, entry must include a file of the site when it was active.

    • Activation, events, sponsorships must be accompanied by photos/videos of the event.

  • For Technical Requirements: Please refer to Annex A,

  • Adaptations of foreign concepts are acceptable; however, entrant must show original material for judges to fairly appreciate local input/ interpretation.

  • All ads with Ad Standards Council Cease and Desist Orders meted out at any point of time are not eligible.

  • The Ad Foundation is inhibited from entering in competition, its own initiated campaigns, however, these may be entered by foundation members or cooperators who were involved in the said campaign.


1. Fees for Industry Members, Professionals and Other Organizations

There are three (3) schedules, with corresponding incentives, for submission of entries from the industry members, professional and other organizations.


Fee Per Single Entry

Fee Per Mutimedia/Campaigns

August 1 to August 7
”Discounted Deadline”

Php 3,000.00 

Php 4,500.00

August 8 to
November 8

”Regular Deadline”

Php 3,500.00

Php 5,000.00

November 8 to November 15
”Premium Deadline”

Php 4,500.00 

Php 6,000.00

2. Fees for Students


Fees for Students

August 1
to November 15

Php 1,000.00
(Single Entry Only)

Deadline of submission of entries is 15 November 2024. Entry forms, materials, and supporting documents must be submitted online at the ENTRY PORTAL.

3. Remittance of payments, in cash or in cheque via online banking or over-the-counter bank transaction, must be in favor of:

Advertising Foundation of the Philippines
Bank Account: BPI Current Account No.: 3211-0590-78
Proof of Payment should be sent to: adfoundationph.org@gmail.com

Payments in cash or in cheque may also be made directly to the Ad Foundation’s Secretariat:

Liezl Rebullida
(liezl.adfoundph@gmail.com; 0921-6741524)

Jo Alvero
(jo.adfoundph@gmail.com; 0921-4428422)

Huberto Corpes
(hjcorpes@gmail.com; 0927-8971103)

c/o KBP Office 6th Floor, LTA Bldg., 118 Perea St., Legaspi Village, Makati City

Any of the above-mentioned staff shall issue the Foundation’s Invoice corresponding to the amount of the competition entry fees paid.

4. All unpaid competition entries on or before November 15, 2024 shall automatically be disqualified.

5. Deadline of submission of entries is November 8, 2024. Extended Deadline is November 15, 2024.

a. Enter your entries through: https://arawvaluesawards.com.ph/

b. An “Invoice* will be issued by the Advertising Foundation of the Philippines.



    • Does the material reflect the specific Araw Cornerstone Value it has been entered in? Does it have a strong and positive message to its target audience?

  • CREATIVITY = 40%

    • Does the execution present the values message in a fresh, insightful and compelling manner? Does it have the appropriate craftsmanship and production values?


    • Is the exposure and choice of media vehicle appropriate and sufficient in conveying the values message to the intended target audience?


The Araw Values Awards Competition Management Committee, in consultation with the Overall Organizing Committee, shall select knowledgeable, credible, respected and relevant persons from various appropriate industries and disciplines to constitute the screening panel and the Board of Judges.


There will be two sets of panels: preliminary and final judging. No judge may sit in both panels.

The preliminary and final judging juries will be composed of at least 4 panels of at least 9 persons per panel. Three panels will be assigned two specific values each and they will judge all entries for those assigned value. One panel will be assigned the remaining value and will also judge all the student entries.

There will be a special Jury of at least 5 persons for the selection of Platinum winners. The Special Jury will be composed of the Chairperson of the Ad Foundation, three respected and prominent persons from aligned industries and disciplines and a Chairperson who is an esteemed industry pioneer. The last 4 members will be determined by the Araw Values Awards Organizing Committee.


Preliminary Round

  • The Preliminary Round determines the finalists – Metal Round. A panel of judges scores each entry based on the Araw Values Awards Criteria.

  • Each jury member individually scores the entry using a score ranging from 1 to 10 for each line item in the Araw Values Awards Criteria.

  • The 1 to 10 score is then applied by the system with the respective weight based on the Araw Values Awards Criteria breakdown.

  • Individual judges cannot see the scores of other judges.

  • All jury members’ weighted scores are averaged by the system and certified by the independent auditor.

  • All entries with a Weighted Score of at least 7.00 qualify as finalists. A finalist means that the entry is in consideration for an Araw Values Award but is not a guarantee that it will get one. A finalist may get either a Certificate of Merit or a metal (bronze, silver or gold), if entry reaches the qualifying score for each metal type.

Platinum Award

  • All Gold winners, Branded or Advocacy Communications, are in consideration for the Platinum Values Award.

  • Judging for Platinum awards will require the physical presence and deliberation of the special jury.

  • ALL judges must unanimously agree on the entry that merits a Platinum Award.

  • It can happen that there will be one Platinum winner for Branded Communications and one for Advocacy Communications.


Part-time students or those enrolled online are not qualified. Part-time students are those taking less than the minimum load as specified by the college/university.

Student entries are open to individual and groups in senior high school (Grades 11 and 12) and college levels. Students may enter in any of the Araw Values Categories and submissions may come in the form of the following:

Single entry

  • TV or cinema – in storyboard format (.pdf format)

  • Radio – in script format (.pdf format)

  • Print – in compre format (.pdf format)

  • Digital/ marketing

    – sample of web page (screen shots in .pdf format)

    – Static (screen shots in .pdf format)

    – Video (mp4 format)

    All qualified entries of students should have been undertaken by the student/s from School Year 2022 to 2023 & School Year 2023 to July 2024.

    All entries must not include the student’s name and name of the school, college or university he/she is enrolled in but must be identified with a 4-digit alphanumeric code.

    All entries must be certified by the school, as represented by the College Dean or the student’s professor or adviser. Along with the entry, student will submit a sealed envelope with his real name, his school/college/university and the corresponding code of his entry to the Ad Foundation Secretariat Office.

    Student entries will be Php 1,000 per entry

    There will be only one Grand Prize for the Student competition. All student entries will be judged in the final round of judging by the Juries.


  • From the ASC and Ad Foundation member associations.

  • From well-known and respected foundations and non-profit organizations, e.g. Metrobank Foundation, Ayala Foundation, SM Foundation, Gawad Kalinga, PBSP, Haribon, Coca Cola Foundation, Hands on Manila, etc.

  • From the academe.

  • From select government and international agencies and institutions.


Should conflict of interest arise, the concerned member of the panel should inhibit him/herself in judging the particular ad. The member shall be required to inform the ARAW Values Advertising Awards Competition Management Committee or the ARAW Special Concerns Committee on the said conflict and shall indicate in the lower left portion of the score sheet his/her abstention.


The assistance of an independent and respectable auditing firm shall be secured to take charge of the judging results from the preliminary to Final Judging, to include the selection of a Platinum winner(s), if any.


Any protest on the eligibility of an entry must be formally filed (in writing) by a participating organization after the announcement of the finalists, one week before the final judging. No protests shall be entertained outside of this period. The decision of the ARAW Values Awards Overall Organizing Committee shall be final and non-appealable


For any and all possible issues or controversies relating to the submitted entries, it will be discussed and resolved by the Araw Values Awards Executive Committee.



Entry forms must be accessed online (https://arawvaluesawards.com.ph/)


Single film entries must be submitted as aired, including end tags (legal copy, DTI permit no., promo period, etc.) in .MP4 format. Each entry should have its own .MP4 format, max file size of 50MB. Broadcast material clearance/Proof of Airing documents (with min. 30 GRPs) must be submitted with the entries (in.PDF Format).

For branded or advocacy communications done through a documentary/short film/TV episode, submit a video synopsis with maximum 3-minute length (in MP4 Format). Include an explanatory brief on the entry on maximum 2 pages (in .PDF Format).

*support documents should be in .pdf Format


Single radio entries must be submitted as aired (.MP3 format, max file size of 30MB), including legal copy (DTI permit no., promo period, etc.)

*support documents should be in .pdf Format


Single print entries must be submitted as published, including legal copy (i.e. dealer lists, promo mechanics, etc.). Tear sheets must be submitted with all entries. Tear sheets must include the full page of the publication in which the ad was published. (scanned and save in .PDF format, max file size of 20MB)

*support documents should be in .pdf Format


All entries shall be required to submit a digital file of each entry (Static in .PDF Format, max file size is 20MB; Video in MP4, max file size is 50MB), and labeled accordingly.

All entries must be accompanied by:

  1. Proof of posting (photo of material in actual venue) to be printed in A3 size paper, mounted on foam or illustration board.

  2. Certificate of Placement (issued by Client) for outdoor placements made through nonOAAP accredited suppliers, or a Certificate of Posting from the media company if the placements were made through them.

*support documents should be in .pdf Format


All entries shall be required to submit a digital file of each entry (Static, e.g. posters, merchandising materials, etc. in .PDF Format, max file size is 20MB; Video in MP4, max file size is 50MB), and labeled accordingly.

All entries must be accompanied by:
Proof of posting (photo of material in actual venue) to be printed in A3 size paper, mounted on foam or illustration board.

*support documents should be in .pdf Format



The entry should include the complete website or microsite (screen shots in .PDF format, max file size of 20MB). Entrants must submit detailed information when the site was first put up, along with an accompanying certification by the client for the respective entry. For the sake of clarity, it is highly recommended that a presentation video (in.mp4 Format) (lasting no longer than 2-3 minutes) be included with each entry, showcasing the navigation and interaction within the site.

*support documents should be in .pdf Format


All entries must show the ad in the context of a webpage as it was originally displayed. Entries that are animated may be submitted in .mp4 format, that can help the judges understand the context within the ad is executed. Entrants need to give detailed information when the online advertising first appeared, along with an accompanying certification by the client for the respective entry.

*support documents should be in .pdf Format


Includes all digital media that can be downloaded, forwarded, or linked to. Entrants need to give a detailed information when the viral advertising was first made available, along with an accompanying certification by the client for the respective entry. The entry should include the complete screen shots in.PDF format. Emails and EDM must be presented as the original email including the “subject” and “from” fields. Viral videos must be presented so the judges can see how an individual was led to the video (ex. posted within a website, emailed virally, etc.). Video must not be longer than 3 minutes in .mp4 format, max file size of 50MB. All entries must show the video in the context in which it was originally displayed.


Includes any digital executions in social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, among others. Entries should include the specific URL link of the social asset 9 (screen shots in .pdf format, max file size of 20MB). If the specific social media page is not present anymore, screenshots should be provided and visible data like number of likes, people talking about, and/or at least one post with date should be included (in .pdf format). For the sake of clarity, it is also recommended that a short video (no more than 3 minutes, in .mp4 format, max file size of 50MB) be included with each entry, to show any significant details of the social asset, which can include but not limited to how the FB App is used by its users, and specific numbers on user engagement of the social asset or the App.


Entrant agencies shall be required to submit a digital file (.pdf format) of each entry, and labeled accordingly.


For printed entries (e.g., direct mail, etc.), sponsorships, activation, events, etc. SUPPORTING MATERIALS FOR DIRECT MARKETING ENTRIES

  • For Mailing entries, please supply 1 or 2 copies of the actual mailing piece. (in .PDF Format, max file size of 20MB)

  • For print, please supply 1 proof or copy of the material, as appropriate (in .PDF Format, max file size of 20MB)

  • For Infomercial or sponsorship entries, please supply one .mp4 Format, max file size of 50MB of the spot. The edited video spot should not be longer than 3 minutes.

  • For other forms of alternative media such as events, activation, etc., please supply documenting video or photographs as appropriate. Video (in .MP4 Format, max file size of 50MB) should not exceed 2 minutes in length.

  • For digital or interactive entries, please Screenshots of entries in .PDF Format max file size of 20MB.


Each individual material that comprises the multimedia campaign must be submitted along with the technical requirements that are apt to the material’s medium (for instance, if television materials are a part of a multimedia campaign entry, each TV material must be submitted as aired, with the relevant legalities and broadcast material clearances as noted previously in the segment “technical requirements for TV entries”). It is highly recommended that a concise presentation video (lasting no longer than 3 minutes in .mp4 format, max file of 50 MB) be included with each Integrated Multimedia Campaign entry, detailing the execution and mechanics involved.

Entrant agencies shall be required to submit a digital file of each entry, and labeled accordingly.

*support documents should be in .pdf Format